Dimitrios Halatsis

Dimitrios Halatsis

Ph.D. student in Machine Learning

Imperial College London


Hey visitor, I’m Dimitrios and I am a Ph.D. student at Imperial College London.

Before joining Imperial I studied Computer Science at EPFL. My studies where mostly in theoretical computer science and data science. In my MS thesis I worked with Grigoris and Volkan Cevher on properties of deep polynomial neural networks.

I am broadly interested in the topic of machine learning and signal processing. I am also broadly interested in theoretical computer science and the thoeretical foundation of big data analysis.

Besides CS I’m an adventure enthusiast who enjoys mountain hikes, camping and bike touring.

Download my CV.

  • Machine Learning
  • Sublinear Algorithms
  • Signal Processing
  • PhD in Machine Learning

    Imperial College London

  • MS in Computer Science, 2022


  • BS in Computer Science, 2019

    University of Athens

